by Higginbotham on Jun.10, 2009, under Uncategorized
We have started what will be some ongoing building projects. Most of the buildings on the farm have seen their better days. Some that have no use will be torn down and others that are adequate will be remodeled to make them more astheticly pleasing, and more importantly, more functional.
As you have probably heard it said, you can’t build and tear down at the same time, so we have started demolition. The first to bite the dust were two old silos which have been here since the farm operated as a dairy. An Amish team from outside Libery, KY have been working to tear one of the silos down to rebuild on another Central Kentucky farm. The other silo was not worth rebuilding and was simply knocked down.
Following are some pictures of the guys taking the larger of the two silos down. Definately not for the faint of heart.
The picture on the left is hard to tell, but there is a man sitting on the very top of the dome of the silo.
Dropping staves
Here is a link to the demolition of the smaller silo. Pay no attention to the narration. The videographer didn’t know if everyone who was watching wanted to know if this group built barns also. Also the kids in the background were mine, and they were waaaaaay away and the noise scared them which caused the screams you hear at the very end. They were in no danger and no one was injured.
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