BitterSweet Acres Boarders and friends,
Those of you that have been at BSA for the past few years know that I travel extensively, most often for the purpose of teaching grooms that work with racehorses. I also teach inmates at prisons in South Carolina and Virginia that work with retired racehorses. My primary philosophy is that the more we know about our horses the more we can do what is best for them and the more enjoyable will be our horse owning experience.
On Saturday September 8 I am going to present portions of these classes that have been popular among owners that have attended some of my classes over the years.
Do you know that every natural predator of our horses can outrun those horses? What are the characteristics that enabled horses to survive? Those same characteristics determine how our horses interact with us and are responsible for many of the injuries we deal with daily.
Your horse does “communicate” with you every day. And, you don’t have to be a professional “animal communicator” to understand what your horse is “saying”. In the morning session on September 8th I’ll use power point and hands on demonstrations to show you how you can improve your awareness of your horse’s “language”.
In the afternoon sessions we’ll look at some anatomical models and discuss a few common injuries, our horse’s body’s response to those injuries and basic therapy we can use to help. We’ll conclude by looking at the principles of putting on bandages that I teach at the tracks. I use plastic leg models for practice sessions and no one has been hurt bandaging one of those legs, (nor has one of those legs been hurt), so you will have a chance to practice without stress.
So that all that attend have a chance to participate in the demonstrations we are limiting the number of participants to 20. If we get at least 12 boarders to sign up by this coming Thursday (August 30) we will keep this first clinic “private”. You can bring one guest (and more if we do not reach 20). We will advertise it to the general public starting this Friday if we don’t have 12 by then. Please let Erica know by email that you plan to attend. There will be several “barn prizes” such as a gallon of hypoallergenic horse shampoo (2), some “extra long” standing bandage quilts that make excellent shipping bandages (4) and more. I’m glad I’ll be able to teach “at home” and hope you will join us on Saturday, September 8.
If you are interested in attending, let Erica or Patrick know as there are spots available, and you do not have to be a boarder to enjoy the class.